Farm Monitoring & Control Solutions
Harvest Systems use solar powered loggers with built in cell phone modems to remotely monitor Internet of Things (IoT) sensors attached to the base station and wireless UHF radio remotes within a few kilometres. The live data and history can be viewed on the Harvest web site using any computer or smartphone.

Harvest devices can provide real-time readings with historical water use table and configurable alarms for water and irrigation systems. Common applications include: flow meters (optional transfer of data to council), water tank level, well/bore level, pipe pressure, and pump control. Alarms (txt message, email, or voice call) can be set up for any of the measured values e.g. max daily water usage exceeded, low tank or bore level etc. Pump control can be configured to use sensor input from on site (bore level, max daily water usage is exceeded) or via manual remote control using our secure website accessed via computer or smartphone.

The Harvest ITU G2 Base Station (pictured) can be set up as a weather station. All sensors are options.Typical parameters monitored include soil moisture and temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction and solar radiation (for evapotranspiration calculation). Popular add-on services are a localised forecast for your location using IBM Weather Company forecasts. Premium Service options include soil water deficit which is a calculation of irrigation required (mm/in) to reach Field Capacity for optimum growth.
For further reading about soil moisture sensing technologies, see the Irrigation NZ soil moisture monitoring booklet

- Monitors the irrigator speed and pipe pressure at the irrigator NOT back at the pump where the long pipelines make that method unreliable.
- Allows you to start and stop the effluent pump from your phone.
- Records the GPS location for proof of placement.
- Custom exclusion zones can be setup to stop/prevent irrigation in specific areas on site that don’t require or aren’t allowed irrigation i.e. a stream onsite or drain in/near an irrigated paddock.
- Shuts off the effluent pump under the following conditions and notifies you by text message or voice
- Irrigator is travelling so slow that the permitted application rate will be exceeded
- The irrigator stops moving due to getting stuck
- The irrigator stops because the pull line has become disconnected
- The irrigator stops because the feed hose is blocked e.g. kinked or pipeline blocked
- The pressure drops due to hose disconnection
- The pressure drops and/or the speed is too slow due to a leak e.g. bad hydrant connection
- This monitor can prevent you from having an effluent spill and subsequent fine (and risk getting your name in the news).
Our technical support team of ten staff can remotely diagnose most problems and make adjustments to settings at no additional cost.

Monitoring and custom alarms for milk vats and refrigeration can be incorporated into the Harvest system, via our own sensors or other hardware providers such as DTS. Our sensor options include: vat temperature, vat stirrer status, vat inlet/outlet tap, vat level, cooler plate in/plate out temperature, and boiler temperature. Typical alarms include: high milk temperature (vat), stirrer failure, outlet tap open during milking, vat has not been Clean In Place for X hours, boiler not reached 65°C in 24 hours, hot water entering vat, milk leaving cooler at x°C, and power failure.
Contact us for more information and pricing. Also available as a standalone package.

The Harvest Feed Silo (grain bin) Monitor uses a laser sensor with an in house designed motorised shutter to prevent dust buildup on the laser.
It is a health and safety issue to climb up the silo to check levels. This is the safe way to see your silo level - with online level data available via our smartphone app and web page. Customisable level alarms will improve both the safety and efficiency of your operation and help you re-order on time.
The grain silo monitor can be connected to a Harvest logger or used to send data to any SDI-12 capable logger.
Contact us for more information and pricing. We can also monitor grain silos as a standalone package.

The standalone Electric Fence Monitor package provides a real-time voltage reading. It uses solar power and the cellular phone network to transfer data to your Harvest web page or app on your phone and provide voltage alarms via text, voice call, or email. See our brochure or contact us for more information and pricing.
Our electric fence monitor is also available as a standalone package.

Control valves, pumps and irrigators from your smartphone using the Harvest Web App. Can also have timers to set a pump to run for fixed time.