
Davis Rain

Davis Rain

The Davis Rain Gauge is an entry level, tipping bucket rain gauge. It can connect to a range of Harvest devices and is commonly used on farms, vineyards, and orchards etc.

For long term accurate rainfall measurement we recommend the Hyquest TB series.

Click on link to see Harvest Systems that can be used to remotely display this data: Harvest Data Loggers

Kisters TB7

Kisters TB7

The Kisters TB7 rain gauge is a mid priced gauge from Kisters - a world leading manufacturer of met grade products. The TB7 has the same internal tipping bucket mechanism and excellent leaf filter of the industrial grade TB6. The only real difference is that the rain collector is plastic whereas the TB6 has an aluminium collector. With long term accuracy of ±5% this is the best value rain gauge for high quality measurements at a reasonable price.

Click link to see data sheet Kisters TB7

Click link to see Harvest Systems that can be used to remotely display this data: Harvest Data Loggers

Available for purchase at Harvestinstruments.com

Kisters TB4 Rain Gauge

Kisters TB4 Rain Gauge

The Kisters TB4 Series II is a high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge for measuring rainfall in urban and rural locations. Due to the integrated syphon, the gauge delivers high levels of accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities.

The time proven design of the TB6 Series II with accuracy of ±3% ensures long-term, accurate and repeatable results. It is manufactured from high quality, durable materials ensuring long-term stability in the harshest of environments. It consists of a robust powder-coated aluminium enclosure, a UV-resistant ASA polymer base, and stainless steel fasteners and leaf filter.

Click link to see data sheet: Kisters TB4

Click on link to see Harvest Systems that can be used to remotely display this data: Harvest Data Loggers

Kisters TB3 rain gauge

Kisters TB3 rain gauge

The Kisters TB3 is the top of the line. It is a high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge with accuracy of ±2% for measuring rainfall and precipitation in urban and rural locations. Due to the integrated syphon, the gauge delivers high levels of accuracy even during very heavy rain intensity. With the optional heater the TB3 is the ideal device where snow and ice are expected. This gauge is used by government weather agencies globally. 

Click link to see data sheet Kisters TB3

Click link to see Harvest Systems that can be used to remotely display this data: Harvest Data Loggers